Yay! I’m back, and it feels so amazing getting back to the foundation of Jewel Rules. I wanted to make sure that I was creating impactful things for my audience and not just writing for the sake of a pretend deadline. This process has taught me that impact sometimes requires taking a few steps back – in my case, for perspective purposes.
So here I am, and so much has changed since my last post. It’s been a mixture of personal and professional, but in either direction, all wonderful. Both my kids hit milestones - my eldest graduated high school and went to college, and my mini started Kindergarten. The business has been growing at a steady and sometimes scary pace, and in a few months, I’ll be launching something new (we’ll talk about that another time)!
My kiddos’ life changes pretty much consumed my life up until about a month ago. I’m finally adjusting to the newness of it all. Parents – it never occurred how much the slightest change can sometimes cause you to readjust your whole life schedule! I mean, sheesh!
They started their new ventures about a month apart, but this mamma was still trying to recover from the end of Friday Night Lights and graduation. By the time we moved my son into his dorm over the summer, I was a total bucket of tears! Shortly after, my daughter started Kindergarten in a school well outside her district but an excellent opportunity for her.
I found myself mourning the old and fearing the new. My manchild was gone, and while not that far away, I missed his presence. The little princess was growing up, which was a good thing, but the change started to weigh on my heart in multiple ways.
Slowly, I started adjusting and learning more about receiving God’s grace while extending it to myself. Because for a while ya girl did not have her life together, and it was showing. What I appreciate the most about this new season is that my college student and kindergartner taught me the beauty of endings and new beginnings.
Our prayers are not always answered in pretty packages. While watching my son struggle with leaving home, living with strangers, and having a rigorous football/class schedule, I learned that the bigger picture is, he did it! He’s living the days that we prayed for. Then there is my sweet girl. Kindergarten made us both nervous - not to mention our new schedule. Let me tell you, for a few weeks, mom and daughter were on the struggle bus! But then I started to notice this little girl thriving and maturing and learning and so many smiles.
Me being a creature of habit does not adjust well to change but what I have seen during this time is that change is necessary. It’s the agent that ushers in the new, and while the process is unsettling sometimes, it’s supposed to be – because also what is growth without discomfort. So for all of you feeling the discomfort of change, don’t worry. You’ll start to see the beauty. Eventually, one day you’ll look around and realize the vision is unfolding.