The heartbeat of Jewel Rules is to inspire single mothers who are or aspire to be entrepreneurs. For me to be successful in that, I aim to absorb as much inspiration in that same respect. Recently, I sat down to have a chat with a fellow mompreneur, Samenta Bruington, founder and CEO of Sparxs Studio. I met Samenta a few years ago in a single mom’s group. I was immediately intrigued by her survival instinct and her drive! What sealed the deal for me was learning that she, too, was a writer
Over the last few years, I have watched her complete a script, produce a 16k budgeted film with 2k, win some awards, AND as if that wasn’t enough, she started an entire production company. So much about her journey has encouraged me. After learning the behind-the-scenes portion, I knew I needed to introduce her to you too!
Back in 2016, Samenta was in LA, chasing her dream as a filmmaker. After spending time there and realizing her road to success would require her to blaze her own trail, she left LA and returned to reside in Texas with a resolve to take matters into her own hands for the sake of her dream, her children, and others that looked like her. When I asked Samenta what drove her to take the leap, her response was simple; “I got tired of hearing no.” Instead of waiting for someone to produce her film, she decided to do it for herself and provide the opportunity for others who wouldn’t otherwise have it.
The moment she decided to pursue her dream, her feet hit the ground running. Overcoming emotional and financial obstacles, including surviving domestic violence, she completed her first award-winning short film, Seeking Woman$$$. She formed an all-female executive team, and they come together to give birth to the Sparxs brand.
After this conversation, not only do I have a newfound respect for this phenomenal creative, mother, and CEO, I found a new resolve to fight for the life I want. So, if I could pick one takeaway amongst many, I would say the same to you. Life is often unfair; roadblocks are inevitable. Those things are character building. You can either choose to allow them to work against you or take control and make them work for you.